The story happens in a fourth-dimensional world where superbeings live in and almost everything is possible.Xerra is one of those super beings with super power and unique appearance. She can probe the thoughts of others and has a weapon which can speak to people. Ethics obeyed by people there is different from that of human society. Women can have babies with different men without marrying them, just as Xerra's mother, she gave birth to Xerra and her sister but married the king and became the queen. Xerra's father is from another kind of superbeings and must be on duty in his land, therefore, Xerra never sees her father personally, but they always keep communicating with each other in a remote way. Her father presents her gifts on her birthday and often talks to her. Xarra and her sister live with their mother, and love their mother so much. Besides that, they have different customs in dealing with the dead. They often choose to bury the dead with leaves and flowers or hang the dead on trees.
As a hybrid superbeing, Xerra is rare and stronger in the world where she lives in. Her mother married the king and won the respect of other beings as a queen. One day, some soldiers come in with a glass box containing the queen, saying the Queen is dead when Xerra is having a meal with her sister. Hearing this grievous news, both Xerra and her sister are shocked. At the beginning, Xerra doesn't believe the truth and tries to probe her mother's thoughts. While, she know her mother is indeed dead because she probe nothing. Her sister can't help crying sorrowly, while Xerra must pretend to be strong and brave, accepting the truth and consoling her sister. She makes a detailed inquiry about the murder who kills her mother, but there is no answer. She is so angry that she almost burst out her power to hurt those soldiers. At the moment that she is still sober, she ask them to leave their house as soon as possible. Suppressing all of emotions, she finishes her mother's funeral with the support of neighbors. Since that, she is determined to find the murder and revenge someday.
More details can be known about from XERRA
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